Why is my husband using duckduckgo
Why is my husband using duckduckgo

why is my husband using duckduckgo

(For clarity's sake, I'll refer to her as Jane.) Jane words for a third-party tech support company similar to Geek Squad. I reached out to this person, a woman who wants to remain anonymous for professional reasons, over Twitter direct message to learn more. But what really intrigued me was a response to the tweet by an IT professional, who said they'd encountered several cases of husbands trying to circumvent the app by asking her IT company for support, or successfully disabling it and getting their computer subsequently infected by ransomware. I learned about Covenant Eyes from Twitter, when someone I follow mentioned it in an "lol look at this" context. It even works when you browse incognito, which Covenant Eyes refers to as "porn mode." (However, one user notes in the comments on that post that it does not work with the Tor browser.) It works on computers, smartphones, and tablets. This effectively shuts down all web access until you call Covenant Eyes personally, and ask them to reinstate your connection-after you confess to them that you wanted to look at porn. In case that's not enough to keep you in check, the app also provides a "Panic Button" you can hit when you're in crisis and worrying you might give in to temptation. As the website notes, "Any attempts to get past the Filter will appear on the Accountability Report, which allows those moments of weakness to be discussed." One person, designated the "Filter Guardian," chooses an age-appropriate level of internet restriction for family members, and Covenant Eyes blocks domains they deem unacceptable. You can also add filtering services to your account.

Why is my husband using duckduckgo